October 8, 2012


I'm happy to say that I'm participating in an Autumn photography challenge hosted by Bumbles & Light and Live Out Loud. My hope is that this will force me to get out my camera more this Fall, something that I've been missing lately. I'm also looking forward to being inspired by others work and see what they capture for the prompt. Feel free to join in, you can find out more information by clicking the button at the bottom of this post.

The leaves have started to turn here in PA. How can such a change happen so fast? It seems like it happened overnight.

The birds have started to migrate. They frequently stop in the pond behind my house to rest for the long journey that lies ahead.

The water is flowing freely getting out it's last dance before it begins to freeze.

Hen of the Woods has made it's Autumn debut making it's home in the mossy crook of a mighty Oak.  


  1. cool you are doing a photo challenge..good for you:)

    so your leaves changed and fell fast?! still pretty pics..


  2. Very pretty! We went to a FB game this weekend and leaves in that part of the state have turned more than here. I love this time of year. Beautiful!

  3. Such great photos! I love the one of the rushing water. How beautiful it'll be when it freezes this winter! :)

    Thanks for joining Rebecca and me in the Nurture Photography Challenge. We'll be moving on to a new theme on Friday: Yellow/Light. Can't wait to see your pics!


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