February 25, 2014

Signs of Spring & Some Inspiration

As you may have gathered from my last post I'm really looking forward to Spring. I'm already getting discouraged thinking I won't have any flowers to enjoy and that there won't be much green around here. I even got that way in PA and boy was I wrong. Our new house is South facing so the front gets lots of sun. Unfortunately the previous owners attempted xeriscaping. It appears that it's just all rocks in the front yard. Our back yard doesn't get nearly as much sun and is sloped. I'm VERY determined to make the best of these two spaces. I want chickens badly, raspberry bushes along the fence and beautiful plants all around. First I need to get a landscaper in here for the back yard. It needs to be terraced off and it needs to be done right with effective retaining walls. As the days get longer and we experience more Spring like weather I dream and make plans. My husband keeps reminding me to follow my own advice which is on the 100 Things I learned From my First Home List

 #39 Experience all the seasons in a new home before you remove any plants
        #40 Wait to see what pops up and how things grow before you plant new plants

It's always easier to spew off advice then follow it!  I really have been quite a grump lately about the lack of Spring that we will experience; so God decided that He should step in and give me an attitude adjustment. The other day I went outside to bring the trash cans up from the end of the driveway and put them back where they go. We roll them behind our fence and place them in a rock area next to our shed. I was shocked to discover that under the trash cans of all places something had begun to grow.
I truly believe that this was God and that he got a big laugh from my surprise. Out of all places for something to grow it would be in a pile of rocks under trash cans with no sunlight. I'm guessing these will be tulips. 
It's funny because I'm finishing up a book right now called Return to Me (review coming soon) and it's theme is God doing the impossible. It just seems impossible that plants would start growing in these conditions but what a reminder for me to have faith. God knows the desires of my heart and with Him anything and EVERYTHING is possible. Oh and if you look closely at the trees the branches are starting to fatten up due to buds forming!
I had been debating back and forth about going to the Colorado Home & Garden Show, after seeing the hope that my yard does have I decided that I must go. I knew that I could use the inspiration and resources. 
There were lots of landscapers to make contact with and we found lots of ideas for retaining walls. I love these Foxgloves and would like to plant some of them along with some Columbines. 
My favorite take away from the entire show was the water feature made from an old truck, which you may have seen a peek of on my Instagram feed
Now if only I could accomplish this in my yard!
With March just a few days away Thalassa Cruso puts it into words best, "March is a month of considerable frustration - it is so near Spring and yet across a great deal of the country the weather is still so violent and changeable that outdoor activity in our yards seems light years away." 

On side note I feel a little incomplete today and will for the next week at least. I sent my camera off for some maintenance. Have you had this done on your camera? If you have equipment that you consider an investment it's worth getting it done. It's recommended every 3 years or of course if you start noticing changes in your photos. Like for example seeing spotting or blurring. You can see if a local photography shop in your area does it or you can always look up your camera's brand and find information. I have a Canon, you can read about what they do for maintenance HERE. Of course there are tutorials out there on doing this kind of thing yourself but I personally wouldn't risk it. Keep your camera in tip top shape so it's ready to document life in the best possible way!

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