A couple weekends ago we took a long weekend with some friends and went backpacking. That's one of the things we were excited about moving back to Colorado for was the outdoor adventure. For me living in a city can be hard, so it's necessary that I can easily get outside and enjoy God's creation.

This trip really took it out of me. I've felt exhausted since I got back and unfortunately came down with either a head cold or allergy problems. The experience is always worth it though. I knew I wanted to share this adventure here on the blog since so many of you enjoy living vicariously through me. In case you don't know when you backpack you put everything you need to for living on your back. These packs can get heavy with shelter, clothes, food.... You hike into a wilderness area and find a spot to put your tent. These spots aren't designated campsites they are usually spots far away from signs of anyone else. The first night we actually hiked in a short distance and set up in the dark. This was our first camping spot which was more "designated."
The next day we continued hiking through the canyon for a few miles until we found a good spot to set up camp. We always try to find spots next to water and with plenty of options for wood so we can have a fire.
This pool of water was right next to where we camped. I love these experiences because they can be challenging but most of all they are so peaceful and awe inspiring.
Walking through this canyon was like walking through one of the most magnificent museums in the world.
Except it was free and wasn't crowded!
It was full of colorful landscapes that outshine the most famous paintings.
We stumbled upon ancient rock carvings called petroglyphs.
There were ruins left behind from the mining days
and subtle signs of spring everywhere.
Not to mention the most interesting of rock formations.
This is the best time of the year to visit Western Colorado. The snow has melted it's not too cold and it's not too hot. Those rocks in Dominguez Canyon will really heat up in the summer.
We always leave this type of trip feel refreshed and happy. It truly is the best kind of vacation! Next time you and your family are thinking about a vacation think about a backpacking trip. There are tons of reasons why you should get out and explore the wilderness where you live but the main one is that it costs next to nothing and the experience itself is priceless.