January 3, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday (road trips)

Well we made it back safely to Nebraska. What we thought would be a 16 hour drive somehow turned into a 19 hour drive. It always seems easier driving to the destination instead of returning. I have 2 tips for taking road trips.

#1  If you can, drive through the night. You will practically have the road to yourself and generally construction can be avoided. This is great for interstate driving not scenic driving.

#2  Have at least 2 drivers and plan to switch every 4 hours. For some reason 4 hours seems to be the perfect stopping point and perfect amount of time to rest. Even if you feel like you can go longer than 4 hours make yourself stop and switch. 

Do you have any other road trip advice to share? I'm always looking for anything helpful to get me through a long drive.

This is one of my favorite pictures taken in 2008 on a road trip from Colorado to Utah. You might want to be extra cautious driving through the night in these parts. Of course there is much beauty to be enjoyed by driving through the day!

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